Recipe of Pizza topping Sawi Putih Without Equal
The Recipe For Making Pizza topping Sawi Putih . You can make Pizza topping Sawi Putih using 8 ingredients in 7 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it. Ingredients Required To Make Pizza topping Sawi Putih Mix 225 gr of tepung pro tinggi. Fill 180 ml of air hangat. Fill 1 sdt of ragi instan. Fill 1 sdt of garam. Insert 1 sdm of gula pasir. Prepare 30 ml of minyak goreng/olive oil. Mix Secukupnya of saus bolognes (lihat resep). Mix of Topping : sesuaikan isi kulkas (saya pake sosis, bawang bombay, sawi putih uang sudah di rebus, keju chedar dan keju quick melt(mozarella). Quick Step To Make Pizza topping Sawi Putih Cuci bersih sawi putih, lalu rebus, tiriskan lalu iris sesuai selera, iris serong sosis. Siapkan air hangat lalu masukkan ragi diamkan 5-10 menit sampai berbusa, lalu dalam wadah terpisah, masukkan garam, gula dan minyak, dan air hangat+...