How To Make Pizza Roti Tawar Very Simple
The Recipe For Making Pizza Roti Tawar.
You can make Pizza Roti Tawar using 11 ingredients in 4 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.
Ingredients Required To Make Pizza Roti Tawar
- Prepare 6 lembar of roti tawar tanpa kulit, potong dadu.
- Prepare 100 ml of susu cair.
- Add 2 butir of telur.
- Fill secukupnya of Oregano, Garam & merica.
- Insert of Topping.
- Add 2 of sosis potong2.
- Mix 1 lembar of smoked beef iris tipis.
- Mix of Saos spaghetti (sy pake del monte).
- Insert of Keju quick melt diparut.
- Add of Parsley.
- Prepare of Garlic powder.
Step By Step To Make Pizza Roti Tawar
- Kocok telur, susu cair, oregano, garam, merica pake whisk.
- Masukkan roti tawar yg sudah dipotong. Campur rata.
- Tata dalam ramekin, padatkan. Olesi saus spaghetti. Taburi garlic powder. Tata sosis & smoked beef. Taburi keju parut. Terakhir taburi parsley.
- Panggang dalam oven 180°C selama 30 menit. (Ini mestinya ovennya dipanaskan dulu 10 menit, panggang 20 menit ðŸ¤). Eh tapi sesuaikan dg oven masing2 ya..
That's how to make Pizza Roti Tawar Recipe.
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