Recipe of Pizza roti tawar So Easy
The Recipe For Making Pizza roti tawar.
You can make Pizza roti tawar using 7 ingredients in 6 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.
Ingredients Required To Make Pizza roti tawar
- Insert 3 of lembat roti tawar.
- Mix 3 of butit telur.
- Insert secukupnya of Sosis.
- Add secukupnya of Saos tomat.
- Insert secukupnya of Mayones.
- Prepare sedikit of Mentega.
- Fill secukupnya of Keju.
Easy Way To Make Pizza roti tawar
- Potong kecil roti tawar lalu campurkan dengan telur. Aduk-aduk hingga tercampur rata..
- Potong sosis sesuai selera.
- Panaskan teplon, cairkan mentega. Gunakan api keciiil...
- Masukkan roti tawar, tata sedemikian rupa, sosis lalu parutan keju, saos tomat dan mayones. Masak hingga matang...
- Karna gak ada keju yang meleleh, keju biasa pun jadi...
- Sedapp.
That's how to make Pizza roti tawar Recipe.
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