Recipe of Pizza roti tawar So Easy

The Recipe For Making Pizza roti tawar.

Pizza roti tawar You can make Pizza roti tawar using 7 ingredients in 6 quick steps. The following is an easy way to make it.

Ingredients Required To Make Pizza roti tawar

  1. Insert 3 of lembat roti tawar.
  2. Mix 3 of butit telur.
  3. Insert secukupnya of Sosis.
  4. Add secukupnya of Saos tomat.
  5. Insert secukupnya of Mayones.
  6. Prepare sedikit of Mentega.
  7. Fill secukupnya of Keju.

Easy Way To Make Pizza roti tawar

  1. Potong kecil roti tawar lalu campurkan dengan telur. Aduk-aduk hingga tercampur rata..
  2. Potong sosis sesuai selera.
  3. Panaskan teplon, cairkan mentega. Gunakan api keciiil...
  4. Masukkan roti tawar, tata sedemikian rupa, sosis lalu parutan keju, saos tomat dan mayones. Masak hingga matang...
  5. Karna gak ada keju yang meleleh, keju biasa pun jadi...
  6. Sedapp.

That's how to make Pizza roti tawar Recipe.


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